Wednesday 8 February 2017

The FECA Family

We all are free to ask questions.

.At the end of this section you should be able to:
·         .Know who you are and your duties as a fecaite
·         ..Enhance the brotherly love amongst each other
·         Acknowledge each other as one family

Before I explain further, I would like to refresh our memories of what a family really is. From what we all knew from our primary days, it was said that family is the smallest unit in the society that consist of the father, mother, and children, that was the simplest explanation, which meant that it functions like a cell in the human body, and without a cell according to biologist, there is no tissue or organ not to talk of system. but as we got  higher in the level of  education, we were now taught that family is not only a unit that consist of the father and mother and children, family is that group that teaches morals, norms and values of the society in other to produce responsible youth and citizen. 


at a certain point family was now defined as In the context of human society, a family (from Latinfamilia) is a group of people affiliated either by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage or any other relationship like siblings families etc..), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word "family"[1]) or some combination of these. Members of the immediate family include spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, sons, and/or daughters. Members of the extended family may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and/or siblings-in-law. Sometimes these are also considered members of the immediate family, depending on an individual's specific relationship with them.
In most societies, the family is the principal institution for the socialization of children. As the basic unit for raising children, anthropologists generally classify most family organizations as matrifocal (a mother and her children); conjugal (a husband, his wife, and children, also called the nuclear family); avuncular (for example, a grandparent, a brother, his sister, and her children); or extended (parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family). Sexual relations among the members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo.This means that the family teaches and grooms, the family takes intensive care of those that are under their family hood.


Not everyone out there can imagine life without a family. Barring a few unfortunate individuals, for most of us our family is an integral part of our lives. No law in this world can defy this fact. The moment you enter this merciless world, where each man is for himself, there are some near and dear ones out there who leave no stone unturned to ensure your happiness.
Let’s face it; we are nothing more than a perishable object, without someone taking care of us on our arrival in this world. Despite all the odds, your family will take care of your wellbeing, and try their best to provide you the greatest comforts in the world. They will also protect your dignity and make sure that your boat sails successfully to the shore, irrespective of the odds in life.
It doesn’t require a sharp memory to recall those days, when your parents must have spent sleepless nights to ensure that you feel homely, get well or ease your burden. No one out there, except your family must have forgiven the endless number of blunders you must have committed in your life. Apart from teaching you forgive and forget lessons, they must have always been there for you, when you needed them the most.
The values and coaching passed on to us from our family members will stay there guiding us for the rest of our lives, thereby ensuring our growth and survival in the society. It won’t be an understatement to claim that our family is the first institute where we were taught how to cope up with the physical world. In fact, psychologists state that a child learns most of the things in life from his family. After all, we all inherit some qualities from our parents.
Right from changing the diapers when we could barely stand on our feet, to supporting us with a responsible shoulder for tear shedding, our family members stand by us like a rock solid force compelling us to face the world courageously, even during times of adversity. Goes without saying, the family is the most important force responsible for shaping our personality.
Even when we migrate from one place to another, we carry our family values with us. In fact, our family is responsible for our identity. Remember, the world knows you by your actions and not by your intentions. Whatever we have learned from our family over the years serves as a basic premise for our actions in life. As such, individuals with extended family enjoy more benefits over a person who decides to lead a solo life. A person with a family receives an emotional edge, which often results into his success in life.

During hard times, everyone in the family including you benefit due to the extended relationship, especially during events such as death, accident and so on. Also, the joy associated with success or any other happy moment magnifies when our family is around. Everyone out there is able to reap the benefits of one person’s success, whether it’s your birthday, a new business venture or any other milestone in life.
While technology has certainly helped families stay in close contact with each other, can it replace the feeling that one receives after hugging his/her child or can it serve as an ideal barter for a pat on the back? Whatever the case may be, the significance of family is incalculable!

Here in FECA World Bank we are not just an association, we are a family, though a unit but built upon a rock, with highly esteem morals and values, striving towards procreating benevolent and responsible youth to the society and country at large.

FECA World Bank is an association where individuals especially destined youths comes together and share the word of reality and truth. We are a family and as a family we teach, we inspire, we give update, we encourage and also we accept every personality and ideology, but yet some heart are too hardened in such a way that they do not acknowledge the word that comes out from the representative of God’s kingdom here on earth, which is why we have been given a mandate to redeem the desolation of our time and generation. So as a fecaite and as a member of the family it is our duties to assure our selves redemption, and then bring more people to the family so as to promote god’s kingdom here on is also our duty to intercede for one another and contribute to the affairs of the family, by joining and being active in at least one department in the chapter. FECA World Bank is not just an association of young boys and girls, but a family of peace, unity and most especially love.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome ones again to the FECA FAMILY.

FECA world bank has a blog .serving as a public medium for publicizing the gospel, at FECAWORLDBANK.BLOGSPOT.COM. you can always go online and read intensive on the interesting topics posted. To promote the family initiatives, we may not have all the time to get close and ask you of your challenges, and affairs and even your contribution, dues to that course, a suggestion box has been provided, where you can make contributions, air your views and more especially write down your prayer point, as we pray for success, so as to promote and bring more testimonies to the family.



Here and now, in our timeWe remember our God
Who made us and loved us
And gave us Christ His son
So we come in the love
Of the one who made us free
To stand in one accord
To redeem the desolation
Of our land and generation
As we walk with the lord
We shall rise and shine as the light
We shall lift the weary hands up
That hangs down
We shall raise the feeble knees that stoop to fall
As we call upon the lord
What he tells us we will do
And we shall keep the vision burning
As we walk with the lord
In the days of our youth
We remember our God
Who gave us this nation
And the blessing we receive
So we give Him our lives
And the worship he deserves
We move in one accord
In his holiness and power
To redeem our generation
Till he comes again

You all are invited to FECA  world bank chapter, located at victory church, umuocham road by ukwu apu aba abia state , every sunday by two pm. Remain fruitful !!!

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