Saturday 21 January 2017

Mannerism and body language


At the end of this section you should be able to:

 ü Enhance your character in the public and otherwise
ü Know how to promote good behavior  

     Draw a better picture of your personality to the people
Be a good citizen

Mannerism and body language
What does the word manner mean?           
 Manner can be said to mean the way somebody behaves towards other people or is a behavioral way of attending to conditions, situations and also it relates so much with the character of an individual. There are manners that should be displayed or seen in a particular place. Like in place of work, during conversation and others there are some of the manners that are meant to be displayed and there are some that need not to be displayed. Because a person’s mannerical presentation, goes a long way to define one’s personality and magnifies an erudite behavior amongst men. There are manners that we ought to display in the public, at work even at home. Here are some manners accepted in some disciplines of life.

In the public
ü  You should watch the way you eat.
ü  Watch the way you talk.
ü  Do not be in haste to talk.
ü  Always try to keep a good company.
ü  Avoid disappointments in promises
ü  When something is been offered to you. You should be able to know when you are meant to say yes and when you are to say no, and when to take big or little.
ü  Always try to include the Title attached to the name of the personality and as his office demands.
ü  When you are to introduce yourself in the public, always do well to stand up.
ü  Always be a good listener and be soft spoken
ü  Give individual respect to every one according to as it is due and belittle no man, no matter how he looks.
ü  Always try to avoid interruption
ü  Don’t be too serious or aggressive over an issue in the public.
ü  Always Dress well as to how you will be addressed.
ü  Avoid gossip
ü  Always be out spoken especially when you are guilt free.

At your work place or appointment:
ü  Always arrive on time.
ü  Know when to dress corporate and when to dress casual
ü  Always be serious and answer your questions smartly, put up a smile when necessary
ü  When it is between you and a higher official do well to avoid being the first to bring out your hand for hand shake for men and hug for women.
ü  Ensure that you use the appropriate tone in every discussion.
ü  Always try to give your harsh word consideration when you get angry
ü  Always put your mobile device in silent or switch it off when you are in a work environment
ü  Always maintain a good posture
ü  Develop a mutual respect for any close relationship
ü  Always maintain a team work spirit
ü  Avoid disappointments in promises
ü  Avoid procrastinations
ü  Know when you are corrected and scolded, everything must not look like an insult
ü  Avoid gossip in place of work
ü  Respect the hierarchy of the office.
ü  Never be in a haste to talk.

At home
ü  Always pay your respects.
ü  Lower your guard
ü  Know your duties and try to complete them in time
ü  Value parental advice and effort
ü  Stand your ground when you are not guilty
ü  Behave well at every point in time
ü  Always apologize when you are wrong
ü  Know when to intervene and when to let go
ü  Avoid disappointments in promises


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