Monday 13 February 2017

Wow it is valentine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We the members of
(World Bank chapter)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The FECA Family

We all are free to ask questions.

.At the end of this section you should be able to:
·         .Know who you are and your duties as a fecaite
·         ..Enhance the brotherly love amongst each other
·         Acknowledge each other as one family

Before I explain further, I would like to refresh our memories of what a family really is. From what we all knew from our primary days, it was said that family is the smallest unit in the society that consist of the father, mother, and children, that was the simplest explanation, which meant that it functions like a cell in the human body, and without a cell according to biologist, there is no tissue or organ not to talk of system. but as we got  higher in the level of  education, we were now taught that family is not only a unit that consist of the father and mother and children, family is that group that teaches morals, norms and values of the society in other to produce responsible youth and citizen. 

Saturday 21 January 2017

Mannerism and body language


At the end of this section you should be able to:

 ü Enhance your character in the public and otherwise
ü Know how to promote good behavior  

     Draw a better picture of your personality to the people
Be a good citizen

Saturday 14 January 2017

9 best high-paying professions in Nigeria

9 best high-paying professions in Nigeria

It is important for you to get the right orientation before choosing a course if you want to make it big in life. There are some high paying jobs in the society and it would be totally useless for you to waste so much time in the university over a course that is not lucrative.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

The four temperament


At the end of this section you should be able to
“Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.”
• “Discover how God can use your gifts.”
• “Improve your relationships with others.”
• “Get ahead in your career.


Temperament can be said to be a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behaviour. According to research, psychologist have been able to group these temperament into four major groups. which are the 

Sanguine Personality Type

Sunday 18 December 2016

3 Reasons Why God's Judgment Should Not be Overlooked

God’s judgment is not something most Christians want to think about. We don’t put verses with God’s judgment on sticky notes, we don’t try to commit these Scripture verses to memory, and most of us would not choose for our pastor to preach on this subject.
But, as The Gospel Coalition writer Erik Raymond notes in his article “Are You Allergic to God’s Judgment?” the Bible has a lot to say on this subject.

Does Your “Fear of Missing Out” Distract You from Christ?

Do you have a bucket list? Are all of your life goals wrapped up in it? Or do you have a fear of missing out, #FOMO for some? Most people have a sense of adventure, and everyone’s adventure drive including places and things to do will look different. Not everyone will want to jump off a cliff into the sea.
But there is a sense in us, a longing for something else…and it can be easily mistaken as a longing for adventure. Don’t get me wrong; adventure in of itself is not a bad thing. It’s when we place adventure, our bucket list, or FOMO above our longing for Christ—our true home—that we get into trouble. Not a slap on the wrist, but truly missing out in this short time we have here.